Todd Aubertin gave us a flute- and drum-making workshop. He showed us how he makes these instruments, and he played us some soothing music.
We got to ask plenty of questions...
... and we learned all about the natural materials Todd uses to create his instruments.
Later, the Upper Grades students presented their Native American Cultures projects.
Each student taught us about his or her project's culture, and even showed us some words in that culture's language.
We chopped vegetables and prepared a delicious harvest soup using tomatoes from the preschool gardens.
Everyone had a job to do in our busy kitchen.
In one center activity, we learned some traditional Native American games and practiced our listening and hunting skills!
Students danced two Native songs in honor of the harvest season. For the second song, we placed our drum at the center of our dance circle, because the drum is the heartbeat of our music.
After our songs, we heard some native stories from our storyteller, Peter.
You can also see class reports on the Elementary Grades and Upper Grades class pages.
If you attended this event and have some great pictures you'd like to share with the school, please email them to your child's teacher.