The first part of the afternoon will involve activities for students K-8. The day will culminate with a Native American dance performance by the first through eighth grade classes, a storyteller performance, a potluck supper, and the raffling of our wonderful harvest baskets!
Here is the schedule of the day…
1:30 = Native American activities for grades K-8
- K-1 = Native Arts with Jane List, Sara, Catherine, and Courtney
- 2-8 = Flute workshop with Todd Aubertin
2:45 = Center activities
- Cooking (with Catherine)
- Drums (with Todd Aubertin)
- Native Games (with Kate)
4:20 = Grades 5-8 present Native Culture projects
4:40 = Native Dance and Singing (outside)
5:00 = Native Storytelling (multipurpose room)
5:30 = HarvestFest Potluck Supper
6:30 = Clean Up and HarvestFest Basket Raffle
Sign up for the potluck supper in the front foyer. Parent volunteers are welcome for any part of the day. Please see Courtney Huff (Ossippee teacher) if you would like to help.
The raffle baskets are available in the entry hallway for donations. Please add a gift or harvest-related item to the baskets. Raffle tickets are available from your child ($1 each or 6 for $5); for extra tickets, see your child’s teacher.
This is an extended day for students in grades 1-8. We welcome parents to join us any time after 2:45. We ask all students to pitch in with clean up after the supper.