Monday, March 30, 2009

April 2009 School Wide News

Spring has Sprung!
The bulbs the children planted in the front of the school have started to peek their heads out as harbingers of the brighter days ahead. Thank you to everyone who helped us usher in this season of growth and new beginnings at our auction. Because of all of your generosity we were able to raise over $8,000 which will enable us to continue to provide your children with the enriching and innovative programs that make HIS such a distinctive learning environment.

Got Art?
Our next Parent Teacher Forum will be a combined preschool and upper school meeting and will be held Tuesday, April 7th at 4:00 pm. We will be discussing some new initiatives including some additions to our after school program. In partnership with Concord Community Music School and Petit Papillon Dance Academy we hope to offer a Suzuki violin program and ballet and hip hop lessons in our after school program next year. Representatives from these schools will be at attendance for questions.

Food for Thought/Thought for Food
Next year we hope to offer two additional options for families who would like to purchase lunch. In addition to Pizza day (to which we will add a salad option) we will also be offering a wrap day and a bagel sandwich day. We are piloting the wrap program for the month of April (see attached form) and would love your feedback. More discussion concerning the cost and implementation of this program is planned for the PTF on April 7th.

Call For Writers
Do you have a perspective or opinion about HIS that you would like to share? We are looking for articles for our next Stone by Stone Newsletter. The theme of the next issue is “Innovative instruction: preparing the next generation today for the learning paradigms of tomorrow.” If you have ideas or are interested in writing something about your child’s experience please let me know.

May Day May Day!!
Rehearsals for this year’s May Day play The Purple Finch are underway. Thank you to Annie Clark for volunteering to direct, to Liz Ayer for assisting her, and to Marlene Heinmiller for helping with costumes. A reception for grandparents and senior friends will take place from 10:00 to 11:00. The play will be performed in the community room at 11:00 and all are welcome. If you are unable to attend, the play will be videotaped and made available to you on DVD.

Invitations to our May Day celebration have been sent out to grandparents and senior friends. If you are interested in helping coordinate the reception, please let us know. For a full schedule of May Day events visit our website.

Sense of Wonder
To honor the life and work of Rachael Carson, the EPA, Generations United, the Rachel Carson Council, Inc., and the Dance Exchange are again holding an Intergenerational Poetry, Essay, Photo, and Dance Contest. Entries can be in any category but must be intergenerational projects involving persons from different generations. Submissions are due June 10th. Please see your child’s teacher for details and an entry form.

Early Sprouts
We have started planning our garden for next year and will begin planting near the end of May. The children have selected several vegetables they like to eat and that we hope to harvest and offer at lunch in the fall.

As part of our lunch curriculum in the preschool next year, we will be introducing the early sprouts program. In June the founder of this program will visit our school and give teachers a presentation on how to incorporate it into the weekly curriculum. In addition, Paula Ward is attending a workshop at UNH in May entitled Growing a Greener Future and will be starting a preschool gardening program this spring. Talk to Paula if you are interested in helping out with this initiative.

Faculty Favs
In Celebration of National Library Week (April 13th-17th) we will be sharing favorite stories at school wide meeting. A sampling of faculty’s favorite children’s books will also be on display in the front hall. Our Birthday Bash for the Library is planned for Friday, May 22nd. We will have wish lists of books available for each age group and a basket in the front hall in which to place your birthday presents. See Lisa Whipps for details about this soon to be new tradition!

Tea Time
Join us on Friday, April 17th at 2:30 for a tea in the library to welcome Joslin Heyn, our new upper school teacher and environmental education coordinator. If your child will be in grades 4, 5, or 6 next year this is a great time to meet their teacher. All are welcome.

Charmingfare Farm
Several HIS families are planning a trip to Charmingfare Farm for their Spring Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th. If anyone would like to join them you can meet at the Charmingfare Farm at 11:00 or at the park and ride at the end of 89 at 10:30. If you have any questions see Jill Stagner.

April Vacation
School will be closed from April 20th-24th. If you would like to sign up for vacation care please sign up in the office before April 10th.

Last Day of School
Our last day of school will be Friday, June 19th.

Interim Care
We will offer Interim Care for preschoolers will for the week of June 22nd. Camp will start the following week.