Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you all have had a restful week off from school. As we look ahead at the next few weeks, we look forward to Spring and to a variety of fun happenings around school.
Parent Teacher Forum: Please join us on Tuesday, March 4th for a short discussion of Raising Children Who Care. We’ll also discuss class configurations for next year and share the most recent version of the strategic plan. We’ll share an update with you on the status of the Head of School search and on our Twentieth Year Celebration. Child care will be provided and we’ll have light snacks available.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Tickets are available at the office. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be loads of fun for the whole family! Come see our very own Beech Hill Players, Elizabeth and Reuben! Tickets are $7 each; Shows are 7 pm Friday and Saturday night (March 7th & 8th); 2 pm matinee on Sunday (March 9th).
Tuition Discounts: We’re finishing up a matrix that outlines proposed discounts for families with multiple children who have/will attend multiple years. It will be available by Friday, March 7th to go home with classroom newsletters. We welcome your feedback on this new discount. And we remind all families of the $750 tuition reduction when you introduce a new enrollee to our school.
School Surveys: Thank you to those who filled out and returned school surveys. The information you gave is important and helps us to assess our strengths and weaknesses. If you haven’t already done so, please pick up a survey in the front foyer, or take the survey online. And as always, please know my door is open should you have any questions or concerns.
Mount Sunapee Ski Makeup Day: We’re aiming for Monday, March 10th as a ski make up day. And we’re hoping for sunny, spring conditions! However, please be sure to dress your children for winter mountain weather. Parent chaperones should confirm their availability with Lisa in the front office. And a hearty “thank you” to our ski chaperones: Marilyn Knapp, Deb and Bud Marcou, Trish Collins, and Terry Wilcox. It’s amazing to see how far the children have come in just a few weeks.
Winter Carnival: With luck and good weather, Monadnock and Soonipi students will present a special Winter Carnival Rodeo later this month. Details will be forthcoming. Please be sure to dress your children warmly as we will be outside for much of this time. Boots, snow pants, hats, mittens, and warm jackets are a must everyday, but especially this Friday for children to be able to participate.
Yoga Classes: Students in Kindergarten through grade 8 will begin yoga classes on March 19. We’ll get more details to you soon.
NECAP Tests: Congratulations to our middle school students who had stellar performances on their NECAP tests!
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Best Blue Cards Mtg
Good Morning Magic Gives History Of Curses In MTG. Patrick Sullivan
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3 years ago