Thursday, April 10, 2008

2008 April School Wide News

Greetings Everyone:

Here’s what we’re looking forward to in the weeks ahead. Now that spring is finally here, let’s hope for a healthier season than the last!

Theatre Night for Grades K-8 is set for Thursday, April 17th, beginning at 6:30 pm. Come join us for a night of laughs and tears. Details to follow from classroom teachers. Theatre programs will be sent home later this week.

May Day and Grandparents/Senior Friends Lunch: Mark your calendars for Friday, May 2nd. More details to follow soon. Please forward to your child’s teacher the names and addresses of the grandparent or senior friend they’d like to invite. Please note: Preschoolers invite their grandparents to a year-end lunch in June.

Spring Break: No school on April 21—25; Childcare sign-ups closed on April 4th.

Last Day of School: Our last day of school will be June 13th. After School programs will run as usual. We will have interim care through June 23rd, with Summer Camp programs to follow right after. Interim Care sign-ups will be posted on the Office Door beginning May 1st.
20th Year Celebration: Be sure to hold the date! We’re looking forward to a wonderful day of celebration activities on Saturday, May 31st. Games, music, country dinner, and dancing. On May 29th, teachers and parents gather for a symposia on Childhood and the Imagination. We especially thank an anonymous donor who has offered to help underwrite this event.

Art and Writing Celebration: The Library Friends at New England College bring children’s author, Diane Edgecomb to the Simon Center on Saturday, April 12th from 10:30 — noon. She will speak on the role of fantasy in writing for children. Our middle school and upper elementary students work will be showcased. A fun and free family event.

Thank You for your tremendous support for our Monadnock Spaghetti Lunch. Eighth grade students will travel to Washington DC in May to culminate their American Studies Curriculum. Your help is so appreciated!

Monadnock Bake Sales: Fridays, starting this week, watch for the home-baked goodies on sale by our middle school students. Funds will support their trip to Washington DC in early May. We appreciate your patronage!

Used Washer and Dryer Needed: We are looking for a used-but-in-good condition washer and dryer for an African refugee family that lives in Concord. Please let us know if you or someone you know has these to offer for free.

Spring Gardeners Wanted: As our garden beds dry out, we will welcome the help of a few good souls who like to work in the dirt. If you’ve got a few hours to offer in the months ahead, please let us know.

Class Pot Luck Dinners: Van Nichols, Johanne and Nathanial’s dad has mentioned the idea of parents hosting class pot-luck dinners as a way of getting to know other parents in their child’s class. We think it’s a great idea and encourage any of you who might be inclined to host a dinner to follow up on this idea.

2008-2009 Enrollment: Our preschool and kindergarten classes are about filled and the Ossippee class (grades 2-3) is nearing capacity. If you haven’t yet re-enrolled but plan to do so, please speak to me or Eileen right away. Also, I welcome any of you who may not be returning to meet with me for a few minutes for an exit interview. If you have any questions or concerns regarding next year, please be sure to let me know.

Lunch, Snacks, and Juice Box Reminder: We ask parents to avoid sending juice boxes and other prepackaged foods. Using thermos bottles, water bottles, and other recyclable containers not only saves waste, but results in better nutrition overall. Please help us to keep our school as green and healthy as possible.

Admission Coffee: We thank Cheryl Bourassa for hosting a recent admission coffee at her home in Concord. This was a great way for incoming families to meet each other as well as for parents contemplating enrolling to learn more about our school in a smaller social circle. If you might be willing to host a future admission coffee, please contact Eileen Eber.

School Dismissal Considerations: Please review the following summary regarding end of day dismissal with spouses and child care providers. We need your help to assure that end of day dismissal is safe and considerate.

End of Day Dismissal
Closing out the school day is an important time for students and teachers. Students need to be organized and prepared for their next transition of the day and for the next school day. Jobs need to be done and it’s an easy time for students to be distracted by hall traffic. This time is also critical for teachers as they gather the class to close out the day and organize and prepare for their after school duties.

In an attempt to be safe, focused, and timely, we are now dismissing all students from the main entrance. At 3:00 all children who are to go home will be ready and waiting with their class. As you arrive on the circle, a teacher will walk your child out. Please DO NOT PARK on the circle to come into the building. We ask parents and childcare providers who must come in to the building at the end of the day to wait a few minutes until after dismissal.

We also remind parents that pickup time is 3:00. When parents arrive for pick up, it is important for children to understand that it is then time to go home. It makes it more challenging for our after school teachers to keep track of children under their supervision when other students are running about the building and grounds, even if a parent is present.

We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of these policies. Feel free to speak with me if you have any questions, concerns, or observations. We welcome your feedback.