Welcome Fall! Right on schedule with the autumn leaves and chilly mornings, we’re all settling in for a fantastic school year. Children have become familiar with each other, their teachers, and with daily routines and practices. Please check out our website and class blogs to see all of the exciting learning that’s going on these days. You can find us at
http://www.hopkintonind.org/ and
Class Photos:
Attached is a flyer prepared by Jill Stagner, Mia and Megan’s mom, announcing picture-taking days next week. Jill has graciously offered her time AND talent as a photographer and organizer. Children who are absent on Wednesday can have their pictures taken the following Tuesday. Thanks to Jill’s generosity, all proceeds will return to the school.
Parent Teacher Forum Update:
Attached are the minutes of our meeting on October 25th. It was heartwarming to hear what parents had to say about our school community. We thank all who were able to come out and share their wonderful ideas and thoughts for the upcoming school year. We look forward to putting many of these into action. Please check the bulletin board in the main foyer for volunteer opportunities that will be posted soon.
Important Schedule and Calendar Notes:
Saturday, November 3
Open House for prospective students and families. Please tell your friends!
Friday, November 9
No School
Parent Teacher Conferences Grades K-8
Monday, November 12
No School; Veteran’s Day; no childcare
Tuesday, November 13
No classes for grades 5-8 ONLY
Teacher workshop
Wednesday—Friday, November 21-23
Thanksgiving Recess; no childcare
Friday, December 7
Holiday Tea Grades K-8
Sunday, December 9
Old Fashioned Barn Dance with
Carolyn Parrott and Brad Dorsey
3:00 pm Hopkinton Town Library
Tuesday, December 11
Preschool Holiday Tea 10:30—12:30
December 24—January 2
Holiday Vacation
Harvest Festival 2007: Complete with storytelling, dancing, singing, and drumming in the American Indian tradition, our Harvest Festival was a special treat. We thank Todd Aubertin for his fascinating presentation on flute making and working with wood, Peter Brodeur for his entertaining stories, Jane List for guiding the story skin creations, Catherine Ayer for cooking classes, Courtney Huff for her expert organizing, and our Monadnock students for the interesting hands-on presentation on First Nation people. We thank parent volunteers and all who contributed to our beautiful Harvest Baskets. What a fun evening it was!
Holiday Tea is coming: Mark your calendars for this festive event, a special holiday tradition for our school. More details forthcoming from classroom teachers.
Mt. Sunapee Ski Program—Grades 1-8: Our ski program this year will be on the following Monday’s; January 7; 14; 28 and February 4; and 11. Pricing is as follows (per week):
1 hour lesson and lift ticket $12
Rental $10
Helmet rental $20
We will need volunteers (especially those that can commit to all five weeks) and will have a day at the school set aside for fittings for everyone that will need rental equipment. More information will be sent home as soon as we receive it.
Snow Day Cancellations: Last call for childcare signups. Signups close this Friday, November 2; Please see our cancellation policy attached and on the web at
http://www.hisschoolwide.blogspot.com/. Snow day cancellations are announced on WZID 95.7; WJYY 105.5; and WMUR Channel 9.
A Safety Reminder: With colder weather coming, it’s tempting to leave the car running while you drop children inside. However, for everyone’s safety, please be sure to shut your car off when you come inside the building.
Ossipee’s are collecting box tops: The Ossippee class will be counting Box Tops for Education for the school once again this year! You can find Box Tops on all General Mills packaging. Each Box Top is worth $0.10 when we mail them in to General Mills. You can put your Box Tops in the Ossippee’s collection box just inside their classroom door. Then we’ll take care of counting them, adding them, and graphing how much money we collect over the course of the year.
Class Donations and the Giving Tree: Thank you to all for your generous donations, from Legos to books to classroom supplies. Your donations are tax-deductible and allow us to keep tuition costs as low as possible.